Our Vision

Our Vision and Values

We have 5 statements ‘about us’ that articulate who we are and the church we are becoming…

At the core of who we are is the belief that nothing is impossible for God.

Nothing is Impossible for God, but that’s only half the story! God invites us to come up and join Him in the role because He promises that, “All things are possible for him who believes” (Mark 9:23)

Because we are first worshippers, we are growing in our capacity to host the presence of God.

Our first ministry is to God, therefore we worship with extravagant joy and gratitude. This is our response to His amazing love.

Seeing increasing numbers of people healed and restored for purpose through knowing Jesus as their Saviour.

Salvation frees us from the power of the devil - sin, lies, sickness and torment. We become free to discover our real purpose and destiny through knowing Jesus.

Raising disciples who will advance the Kingdom by boldly proclaiming the gospel through word and demonstration.

Every believer is a supernatural minister of the gospel of power whom signs and wonders will follow. We equip and send the church to carry on the works of Jesus.

We have a mandate to see an outpouring of grace and love for our region as well as to reach the individual.

This is our mandate - The personal, regional and global expansion of God’s Kingdom through His manifest presence. You can only go in power where you have been in prayer…so we press deeper into His presence, personally and corporately through worship and prayer, for revival.

Restoring Purpose

Check out these keynote messages by
Mike Vickers to understand our mandate.

A people passionate for the manifest presence of God, living in the revival dynamic of Jesus Christ.

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